No, you don't get a photo of my Doctor's appointment! Instead, here's a rose whose portrait I shot at Reid Park this winter. Yes, roses bloom in the winter here! Of course, they bloom even more in the spring, summer, and fall.
We left early this morning, to make it to Jack's PT appointment. (He's doing PT for his shoulders.) After that, we went to my doctor, who was to give me a physical. The only part of a physical that I really dread is the requisite blood-letting. I have particularly recalcitrant veins, so it's always an ordeal. So I told Dr. Lowenstein about my fear. Kelly, he informed me, was very good at finding blood in people whose veins usually hide. I was unconvinced. But when Kelly came in with her toolbox of phlebotomy pleasure and began palpating my arm, I wondered if she might be different from the multitudes of lab techs who have jabbed at me in the past. A little stab and my vein poured forth enough blood to handily fill her two tubes. Yay! I hugged Kelly. The rest of the exam went swimmingly. I had a breathing test, to determine whether my asthma should be better controlled, and a chest X-ray, probably to pay for the doctor's kid's college textbooks for a semester.Since I'd fasted, and Jack had, too, in solidarity, we went to the Italian Deli for a delicious lunch. Next, we went to the Honda dealer, where we got the car serviced and looked at the Fit. It's a smaller version of the Honda CRV, though it's on a different chassis, too. We even drove the thing and we both enjoyed the ride and the idea of towing a car behind the RV -- one that's 1000 lbs lighter than the CRV.
A couple of grocery stores later, we went home to put away our new groceries. John came over then and told us that, not only had we forgotten about the park's Show and Tell this morning, but that we were just in time to go to the wine/cheese reception for the photo contest. Argh! We did go over and enjoyed the party. Jack's winning spider web photo was on display in a frame, along with the other winners. My red lilies, "Dressed in red," was displayed with the Honorable Mentions. We came home and I Wii'ed while Jack napped.