Thursday, August 05, 2010

VBS was fun last night. It was the last night for this summer. The apple-carrot-pecan-cheesecake cake was great! I had just a bit left, which I polished off today. I made it without the rich icing, but with a light dusting of powdered sugar.

Today I didn't do much of anything. I did have a nice workout on the Wii. Today I did Shape Boxing and Wii Fit yoga. I'm trying not to do the same thing two days in a row.

Jack called late in the day. He'd been hiking in a volcanic crater with son in-law Jack and grandson Matthew. He said that he wished I were there, and I believed him. :)


  1. Glad to see you back on a daily schedule. The first place I go each day and am dissapointed when there isn't any report.
    When are you going to Indiana?

  2. Smart thinking to rotate through the Wii. But alas I'm stuck in a rut. Which gives me a great excuse for not doing anything on the Wii.

    BUT. About a year ago I picked up the Ukulele. What has been kind of taking the Ukulele community by somewhat of a storm (especially female members) is hula hooping. Apparently typical hula hoops that are sold in store are kids size and difficult for adults to make work. So a bunch of folks are making their own. Here's a link:

    Have a Great Day,
    Jim X
    Bloomington, IN

  3. Any bites on the house?

  4. Jim, I've heard of hula hooping for fitness. I've not tried it, but have a friend who makes "fitness hoops."

    John, you know I don't talk about plans! :) I'll let you know when I'm there, though! :P

    Re bites on the house, I've shown it a few times, and one never knows about bites (or nibbles) till one starts getting offers. I don't think it's really fair to talk about that, till I have an offer that is serious, though.

  5. So much for keeping up with your blog. You really must be busy.
