Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Tight Jeans

Urgh. Well, I guess I'm just up a few pounds, but it's more than I want to be up. I am at 123 this morning, and my weight, what it is to be, is 120. I allow myself a 2 lb leeway, but I will not let it get beyond this. I know what's done it for me. It's dessert after lunch, a bit of random eating, bigger servings than I need, and eating too fast. I think that, in the winter, my body tries to pack on pounds.

And my house is still cold! The gas guys are supposed to deliver my new propane tanks and the hoses day after tomorrow. Yay! It is supposed to get quite cold by the weekend here, too, with lows in the 20's for a couple of days, highs in the 40's. That's pretty cold for someone who's given away her winter coats!

Jack made a most delicious apple pie today, using my recipe, and everything he's learned from me about how to make perfect pies. He's got this mastered. Fine, fine pie. I had a bit after the dinner of yummy leftovers (along with an artichoke) tonight.

I did some more Photoshop today. Soon I will be so involved in my work that I won't even talk about doing it. :) I'm reminded of how much I LOVE creating on my computer.


  1. Your lucky for only 2 pounds---I got 6 on me. Hard to get off. Loved the bubbles pic.

  2. Thanks re the Bubbles pic! :) I keep my eye on the long-term, as far as weight, and, yes, a pound or two actually do matter. A pound a month is 12 pounds in a year, and in 10 years, that's another whole Janee -- something the world really doesn't want. LOL

    And it's not little "slip-ups" that make the difference for me; it's habits, built from day-to-day activity and eating.

    The key for me is in having healthy and filling, though not heavily caloric, lunches and breakfasts. I mainly keep to the 300-400-500 formula, eating about 300 calories for breakfast, 400 for lunch, and 500 for dinner. Eating more just means that it'll take longer for me to get to where I want to be.

    And, for me, it's not trying to fit into something by vacation, working my way into a swimsuit, or being some number by some date. This is about having the sort of body I want to live in, as I progress through the rest of my life. Just how much extra do I want to be carrying?
