Saturday, July 31, 2010

Too Long!

Argh.. I have been out of the blogging habit for too long! I want to get back into it again!

Much has happened in the couple of weeks since I last posted. The play is underway now, with two performances remaining -- tonight and tomorrow's matinee. It's going very well, the sets look great.

Jack's also in the play, but he has an actual role, albeit small, on stage. I would have loved to be in the play, but I wasn't here for auditions, so .. didn't happen. However, I'm enjoying being the dog's handler. Yes! Linda asked me if I wanted to do that, and so I got to "audition" three different dogs, and help in choosing the one that we are using. He's been great -- very well-behaved, and a really loving and sweet dog. He belongs to a boy who's in the play.

There has been just one nibble on the house; it was shown yesterday, and Judy said that it showed very well. I really do love the house, and I'm doing fine here, so I'm not in any hurry to sell, but, when it does, I'll be ready to go to wherever I end up!

Yesterday I went walking out here on my road. I walked 40 minutes, and saw not one single person. Not one car went past. Not one person was outside their house. One dog did come out to greet me, but that was it. I guess this place is a little too isolated for me!