Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Where are we now?

If you're watching the Where is Janee Now? link over to the right -->, you see that we're in Willcox, AZ tonight. Yes, that IS close to Tucson. And we do that on purpose. Arrival day is always a panic, with so many things to do. I hate arriving late in the day, so .. I don't! Today we drove just 2.5 hours, from Deming, NM. And ydy we drove from Las Cruces!

In Las Cruces, we stayed at the Hacienda del Sol RV Park, and it was nice. They give you a free breakfast which is comparable to Holiday Inn Express, except that you can have a custom-made Belgian waffle!

We went to the Farm Heritage Museum in Las Cruces and it was a fun time. We got to watch a cow being milked, saw many longhorns up close and personal, and toured some antique farm machines. The museum also included a gallery of photos and story about the Mexican Banceros from the first part of the 20th century. These were Mexican workers who came to the USA, through an agreement with the US and Mexican government, to work. Interesting and some really good photos.

There was also an exhibit of photos of old schools from New Mexico, many of which closed in the 1950's, and most of which are in a state of shameful ruin now.

We had a great lunch in Las Cruces, too, at Furr's Buffet. And I've decided that Sunday is going to be buffet day. No buffets on other days. The weight loss is going well, actually, though it seems really slow. I'm at 137.0 today, and that's nearly 10 lbs that I've lost since August 18. I guess that it's better to have lost 10 lbs in 3 months than it would be to gain something. :) Ok... I feel better now!

Jack is cooking dinner now, as I blog. We're having beef tenderloin and potatoes on the grill, artichokes, and Italian bread.


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  2. Interesting. Sounds like fun. Yeah it is to bad about the old one room schools. But they are gone or unrecognizable nation wide. I have thought that maybe we should reopen some of them and make them tutoring centers for kids.

    My dad went to a one room school. And I guess no suprise my dad was one of the pranksters. My grandpa was the head of the school board. When the school shut down for the summer they used to store all of the stuff from the school in our house. One summer they shut down and stored everything expecting to reopen the school again in the fall. But in the mean time consolidated (multi room) schools came in and so it never reopend. When I was a kid we still had a lot of the supplies and books and stuff from the old school. We got to play with them. Don't know how much is still left.

    Hey you like old farm stuff come to the old thrasher's reunion in Iowa for labor day

    ray kb9lgs

  3. Hi, Janee,

    I'll bet you were scurrying around today. I'm happy that you made it to your second home and had such a great trip. Your poster "Jane" sounds like a real party. Ha.


  4. Hey sis...and Jack. Great to see you back "home" even if it is far from "home" :D

    Congrats on the weight loss. I have only lost about 3 lbs. in the last 2 months, but if I lose 3 more every 2 months, I might get to my ideal weight in about 5 years! LOL. I do feel so much better though and that is good.

    I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving...I have the whole next week off and I can't wait to just be able to relax a little. I have been working way too hard these days.

    Love and kisses your way from me. Sis.

  5. The food sounds good. But maybe that is where the issue with the scale not moving fast should is coming from. Hope you have a great thanksgiving.

    ray kb9lgs
