Sunday, February 03, 2013

Love is God

This day began for me early. I got up before 6 to compile the things I'd be reading as Lay Leader in church today. This was a day about humor, joy, and fun, so it was right up my alley. :D

After church, it was lunch and just chill time. I did the Sunday puzzles from the paper, played my tin whistle, and did my dishes (whoopee). At 4, Jack and I left for Jan and Dick's Super Bowl party. We had a grand time!

So here's a question: If you run out of anything before you do dishes, what would it be? For me, it's bowls and/or spoons.

And here's another: If God is Love, can it also be said that Love is God? I believe that these are two really different statements, but that both are true, at least in my reality. The first, that God is Love, seems to be a way to personalize, humanize, and soften the idea of God to people who already acknowledge the concept of God.

To me, though, it's much more powerful to say "Love is God." This gets right to the root of the question, "Is there a God?" or "Do you believe in God?" I don't think anyone would say that they don't believe in Love -- like a Love that's sort of bigger than we are, a force that's beyond our control or understanding. Well, so let's just say that Love IS God. And there we are.

Personifying the idea of God is something people do a lot. Who can say that they don't believe in Mother Nature, Father Time, the Hand of Fate, Santa Claus, Lady Luck.... or Love? All of these are just personifications of ideas that we all share. So just call it God.

Is God more than that? Does God need to be more than Love? I don't personally need a God who's going to toss me into a fiery pit, or decide that I'm ok to be with lyre-playing angels sitting on clouds. I'm good with the idea of evolution and the Big Bang Theory, and I don't need a divine explanation for that. But, if, by saying I believe in Love, I can then say that I believe in God, this simplifies a lot of things for me.

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