Monday, July 17, 2006

Travel day

Yesterday was a "dumb day" where we had no goals.. and accomplished all of them! As always, we enjoyed our stay in Richmond, Indiana. The guys decided that our radio was not as Sirius ready as they thought, and so they are ordering a new one. We will be getting our radio put in when we return to Richmond AFTER our vacation. Oh well, we don't know what we're missing, so that's ok.

Today we awoke early, after a good long restful sleep. Eddie got us up only once, mewing at 3 am. This was a huge improvement over Friday and Saturday nights! We headed to the Cardinal Greenway, where we've done many walks before. And we walked! Maddy and I walked fast, doing "laps." I started with 15 minutes out and then back. Then I went 5 minutes out and then back.. And finally I went out 2.5 minutes and back, totalling 45 minutes. Michael walked more slowly, but still did 30 minutes, without killing himself.

Then we packed up the rig, hooked up the car, and headed up the road. After about 200 miles of 2-lane stop-start winding roads, we made it to Elkhart. We're staying at a pleasant place called, creatively, Elkhart Campground. ;) Wireless internet... good power for our air conditioners (93° heat!)... what else can we ask for? I will add some photos ... soon! :P

1 comment:

  1. ~At work I am anonymous~

    Hey there, Sis.

    I would say that you are camping the ONLY way I would go. I hate bugs, heat, humidity, no connectivity...well, let's see, and why do I live in the country in Indiana where it is hot, humid, and I have no cable or DSL? LOL. I guess I "camp" all the time.

    Have fun, be safe, and lots of love. Net
