Thursday, March 01, 2007

A new RV!

When we got to Tucson, we had some goals we hoped to accomplish before we left. One was to get a cottage here. And the other was to sell our big RV and to get a new much smaller one. And we accomplished that goal just yesterday!

And here she is, in front of the one we just traded! We got a really good deal from the people at La Mesa RV, and are very happy about this

We got an Itasca Navion with a beautiful green interior, 23' long and just over 10' tall. It'll fit into our garage! We did the walk-through yesterday with Jonny, and learned that this RV has most of the good bells and whistles that our big RV had. It drives like a van, carrying a Mercedes diesel engine which they say will get us 18-20 mpg.

When spring comes (about the first of April), we'll head out in this new RV, leaving our Honda here in Tucson (probably). Then, when we return to Bloomington, we'll get a new car to use there. (no more towing, unless we just want to)

On Tuesday, I went hiking with the club, as usual. Well, that's the end of the "usual" stuff. We went up Picacho Peak -- an enormous challenge for me. It involved scaling walls that were practically vertical rocks, outfitted with cables which we were able to use to pull ourselves up. I don't know if my arms will ever recover from the soreness.

The trail drew blood from 4 of us: John was trying to get a squirrel to eat a nut out of his hands and was bitten by a squirrel. Then, on the way down, Judy fell about 30 feet down a precipice, but was ok, suffering just a couple of skinned knees. In all this excitement, as we were working to get her and her pack up, John walked on my pinky finger, mangling the tip of it. And then Donna got into a cactus spine. We got down, bedraggled and exhausted. But, evidentally, some of the others were not as tired as I was, because Donna, Dale, and Cheryl went hiking again yesterday! :O

Now it's time for me to get to work with my classes. Gotta catch up!


  1. I didn't know that you blogged. Congratulations on the RV and cottage. See you on the boards.

  2. Hey sis - I love the new RV. I have to be honest, I thought the other one was way too big anyway.

    Everyone and everything here is great. Miss you - maybe we should do some flowers when you get back to Indiana so your yard will look nicer. We need to either start over or finish your little frog pond, too. :-)

    Hope your finger heals fast. Give M a kiss on top of the head from me. Chat with you later. Love, sis.

  3. The cottage and RV sound great, but somehow I can't get excited about that level of hiking. Could I be getting old?!!!!

    It sounds like you will be getting back to Bloomington about a month before we do. We are looking forward to seeing you then.

