Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Greenspace How-to

Hi, everyone!
I really appreciate your great comments and helpful suggestions. Sue, I know that you're right about focusing away from myself. With all the travel that I do, it's kind of hard to get involved in volunteer work, though. I really don't want the commitment that entails.

But I have been thinking about reviving my Art Challenge, which is something that I do online and can do from anywhere I can get an internet connection. It's hugely rewarding for me to do that, because jolts me and others to do art that we wouldn't otherwise do.

The Greenspace piece -- I'm glad you like it! :) -- I'll see what I can remember about how I did it. The cool thing is that, even if you follow my directions exactly (and I hope you don't), your art will be different from mine! Yours will be your own.

I began with a blank canvas. I put my Gradient tool into Difference Mode and created a 3-color gradient that I really liked. With this kind of art, the colors are somewhat unpredictable, though.

Then I dragged the tool around on the canvas at angles, till I liked what I saw.

The next part, I was playing around with filters. The one that gave me that sparkly look that I love is, believe it or not, Filter > Texture > Mosaic Tiles. I used a small size of tile, and a low number for grout width. Be sure to view this at the size you are planning to output, because that will matter!

I played around with other filters, but was not happy with what they did. One thing that I like to do is to duplicate the original layer, do some filter effect, and then combine this new layer with what I have already done, using a Layer Blending Mode.

Ok so then I was not happy with the contrast, so I used a Curves Adjustment Layer to pump it up.

Then I was not happy with some blue striping that was in there, and the green was too saturated and light. So I used a Hue Saturation Adjustment Layer, running the Hue slider through all its colors. Always do this! You may like what you see! I did. I desaturated the piece a bit, too.

Finally, there was a stripe of black just below the green, and I didn't like it. It occurred to me that the piece overall was too dark, and I'm trying to push myself OUT of the darkness. So I duplicated the layer (again) and cloned some of the orange part into the black area, using a neat scatter brush, sampling often, to avoid patterning.

I did a Replace Color Adjustment Layer, too, to tone down the magenta up in the top left. (Yes, that was magenta!) I like the sort of surprising color that I got there and it spoke to me of joys to be discovered!


  1. You REMEMBERED all that??? Amazing. The finished piece looks like multicolored fabric to me. It's beautimous!

    Thanks for the instructions. I'll try it tomorrow. Glad to hear that your art challenge is coming back. Make it an easy one for us rusty ones. Ha.


  2. Thank you so much for the tut, Janee!


  3. Hi Sister Mine,

    I loved the Greenspace piece. I have no artistic ability, so really enjoy the finished pieces you and others with talent do with Photoshop.

    Hope to see you soon.


