Sunday, April 06, 2008


I'm proud to add Sudoku to my blog page! Of course, it's just another way to feed my own addiction, but it's also for those of you who are, or who may become, addicts too!

My muscles are finally feeling like they're on the mend today. I did go to the pool and the hot tub, enjoying the water and the movement and talking to people. The annoying part was seeing my friends all assembling for a party -- one that I was not told about. Then he showed up and I knew why I had not been invited. Those folks don't invite him and me to the same parties anymore -- not since word got out about our "affair."

This "affair," of course, never happened. He and I have been good friends for 3 seasons now at Far Horizons. We did share a whisper or two at a party. But I guess the word got out that he and I were together too much, and that bothered folks.

This feels like junior high. I just wonder how long they're going to go on not inviting him and me to the same things. Sheesh. I wonder, if I had a party and invited him, his wife, and the "others," if anyone at all would come. I'm scared to try.

I really need to get out of here. I need to do things outside of the park, with people from outside of the park. I've joined a hiking group consisting of NO ONE from the park! I have not actually gone on any hikes yet, because I'm still too sore, but I will.

I also am going to leave here soon to head back to Indiana, where I hope there is less drama than here. I'm seriously dreading going back to my house, but I think I can deal with the stress. I may deal with it by tearing the house up and then hiring someone to fix it for me. :D


  1. I'm not sure how you can continue to call these people "friends". Seems like a lot of rumors going on behind your back and his. And don't you dare leave before I get back.


  2. Janee, that makes me furious! I know it's your widow status that influences people (not true FRIENDS) to gossip and imbelish on the gossiping. I had similar things happen when I was divorced. When a woman becomes single, she suddenly becomes a threat. It's maddening!

    About Bloomington. I think there is something therapeutic about re-doing a house. Go for it!

    Love, Kathryn

  3. Hi Sister Mine,

    OH MY!!! The same thing happened to me. Like Anonymous said, when a woman becomes single, she is suddenly a threat. My true "gal" friends worked through their suspicions when they realized I wasn't after their husbands. They are still good friends. It is what it is, Janee. There will always be those who can't live without drama in their lives, and if they don't have it, they'll manufacture it.

    When you get to Bloomington, GO FOR IT! Make the place yours. Design it the way you would always like to have had it. You are artistic, draw up some plans, hire a contractor, and buy a large sledge hammer. Demolishing stuff is fun.

    I'll come visit from time to time if I'm feeling up to it.

    Love you,

