Saturday, May 17, 2008

Medical Mysteries

I am posting this in the color of the blood that they SHOULD have been able to get out of me last evening at the ER. Now I am not a wimp, and can endure quite a bit of pain over a long period of time before I will seek treatment. But there have been 2 times in the past 7 years when I've been in such excruciating and worsening pain in my upper right abdomen, over a period of several days, that I have checked myself into the ER. The second of these was just last night.

Both of these times, I had normal vitals, normal ultrasounds, and normal CT scans. The first time, I had normal blood work. Last night, they could not find, after 4 sticks & stirs, any veins that they could get blood out of, so we gave up on that. Palpation didn't trouble me. There was no rebound tenderness, and I had no fever.

Both times, the pain resolved while I was at the hospital, following the ultrasound. I mean immediately. It was as if the pain had just left the building, leaving the body quiet. Gone. It didn't return before, and it has not yet returned today, although I do feel a bit sore and tired.

Both times, I was told by the doctors that they didn't know what was wrong with me, and I was sent home. Since I was now pain-free, I left satisfied... but wondering.

I have had Irritable Bowel Syndrome before, always relieved with dicyclomine 20mg (Bentyl). Yesterday, as the pain worsened for the 4th day, I'd forgotten how much Bentyl to take, took only 10mg, and panicked when it didn't work. (It was dated 2001, too, but I don't know if that matters.) So I'm sort of wondering if, in the apparent absence of anything "real," maybe these episodes were IBS too?

And, in both of these instances, why would the pain abate after the ultrasound? Is this just coincidence? Or is it possible that the soft vibrations and manipulation with that ultrasound machine could have actually relaxed my bowel into ceasing its painful spasms? I wonder then: could a person treat IBS with a conventional vibrator?

(I know what you're thinking! LOL)

Other than having to cancel half my life last week and having to cancel my trip I'd planned to Phoenix for tonight, things are moving along fine.

John's back surgery at St Joseph's Hospital with Dr Shroeder went very well, and he's now moving around in much less pain than he was in before. The only pain, he reports, is in the incision. Mary Ann came down from CO to be with him, and she, Jack, and I waited on Thursday, as he went under the knife.

The surgery went sooner and faster than we'd been told, and he was up in his hospital room by 4pm, and had dinner of beef tips on rice, which looked pretty good! We all went out to Mimi's for dinner, and it WAS good! John was released ydy. It was great to see him up and about!


  1. So sorry, Janee, that you were having mysterious problems when I thought you were just having fun, fun, and more fun. Glad to hear that everything seems all right now. Stay well!

    We got back to Bloomington Thursday night. It's good to be home although yesterday morning I was somewhat disoriented when I woke up. I wanted to go out on the balcony to see what the temperature was. Of course neither the balcony nor the ocean were there, but I know they will be waiting when we go back in November.



  2. Im sorry too that you had enough pain you had to go to the ER. Sometimes your body acts like a car engine where it makes a noise or has a pain and when you get to the mechanic the pain or noise is gone! Why does this happen? who knows! LOL. Glad your better. 3rd
    day here of wonderful weather.

  3. Janee! Wow, a trip to the ER. I'm so glad they didn't find anything serious. But, as you say, it's always troubling when they don't find something. Now what were you saying about homeopathic treatment??! :P
