Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Man... I'm working on getting a guy to take my work off his site. He has the chutzpah to even suggest that I didn't come up with my ideas myself, that I've "borrowed" them or varied them somewhat to come up with my tutorials. Well I didn't.

And this guy didn't even vary my work. He pasted it up on his site intact, using my images and my text, word-for-word. I even wrote him a short essay on creativity in response to his suggestion that my work is not unique:

"And yes, it really is my work. It's naïve for you to suggest that there is a limited amount of Photoshop knowledge out there, to suggest that everyone copies everyone else, or that my ideas can't have been mine. You're wrong about this, and as a teacher, you should know better.

"There is an infinite variety of objects out there, each of which has its own artistic merit. If it can be seen, it can be photographed, and if it can be photographed, it can be shown as pixels. Pixels can be recreated in Photoshop, and so there you are. Anything that you can see can be recreated in Photoshop. And you can call it an effect and write a tutorial about how to do it. Dig deeply and find your own creativity! Your own ideas might even be better than mine, and they will be yours."

Well, I really hope that I don't have to take further action on this. I hate confrontation, but I'll do what I need to protect my work.

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