Thursday, May 25, 2006

I opted to do all the class preparations and so we didn't get out to do anything exciting on Tuesday. I really wish that I could impress upon myself that procrastination is NOT GOOD when it comes to my class preparations. What happens is that, during the course of the 6 weeks, students and the other teachers give me feedback on things that could be stated better, screenshots that need to be added, and the occasional typo.

Then, at the last minute before the class starts, I realize that I need to implement these changes in the lessons before they go out to the students. I have to then save my lessons as PDFs, add the header/footers, implement the security, and resave for each lesson of each class. I guess it doesn't sound like much, but when I'm trying to get the Classroom Forums opened, send out welcome posts, and check in new students, it's just something else that I don't need to be doing at the last minute.

Anyway, things are going well on that front! Students are checking in and I'm happy about that. I made a movie today!

The fitness front is good. Here's our gym -- Cardinal Fitness. The machines in the foreground are the ellipticals. Actually, I think that our gym is not this large.

We went ydy and today early in the morning. Michael actually had this morning off from work, bc they were able to arrange some things. So we went to the gym and did our thing (bike and elliptical for me, and bike for M) and then went to the Bakehouse and brought breakfast goodies home!

Michael's knees are doing much better. Today's the last day of his Medrol. He's getting around and doing stuff just like normal. It's just the walking that has turned into recumbent bike for 2 weeks. When we're done with this recovery time, we're going to be doing the gym half the time and walk half the time. Or at least that's the current plan.

When we go on our month to the east, I'm not sure how things will shake out, but maybe Michael can do it with somewhat slower walking. And then when we go to Tucson, there are lots of gyms. We may get back into bicycling, too!

In addition to the gym, I've been taking a 15 minute walk with Maddy every day. She really loves to walk and needs the exercise.

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