Tuesday, December 05, 2006

On the Road... to recovery

I'm feeling much better today, after a few days of feeling really horrible. I didn’t get onto my computer at all yesterday, because I was very sick. I contracted a bronchitis on our way back here to Tucson on Friday. By Sunday night, I was coughing a lot and gave myself asthma in the middle of the night. It was the worst attack ever, because I was wheezing very deeply and was really suffering air hunger. I couldn’t breathe in without a vocal sound coming out of me. This, of course, scared the hell out of me and I was yelling for Michael to help me, and all of this just made my condition worse.

We would have gone to the hospital, except that Michael couldn’t get his phone to dial the friend we would choose to take us there. Just as well, because he was able to help me by calming me down and telling me to breathe more slowly. I did this, managed to relax, and came out of it. We both lay there from 2:30 till 4:30, unable to sleep for fear I’d relapse. I actually was sitting up in the bed. Finally we went back to sleep and then yesterday went to the drugstore and got me an antibiotic. I am still weak and so we didn’t go for the Hiking Club hike today, darn it!


  1. Oh Janee, that sounds so scarey. I'm sure glad that Michael was there and able to help you. Both of you take care of yourselves and each other.


  2. Hey, Sissy M. I sure hated to see you were sick. I was worried about you getting back because of the weather, but then this! Just more added stress.

    Take it easy and that air out there should help you. I cannot imagine that feeling! It must have just been awful.

    We love you both. Hugs and kisses. Sis.

  3. Well.....I wondered what was going on and was getting sick with worry. I must have become sick myself in sympathy with you, because last Monday, my sis had to get me to the doctor's because I couldn't breathe either. I had a severe bhronchitis agitated by my asthma. My doc got me calm, too, and put me on prednisone, which is working...almost finished with it. The good news is that I can't smoke. Haven't had one in a week, and I resent every minute of it!

    Love you,
    Glad you're on the mend!


  4. Glad that you are feeling better and are back in the "sun shine"..... and dry air... my daughter has asthma and I know just how scary an attack can be....

    Be well,
