Sunday, July 13, 2008


Today Becky arrived, after spending the weekend partying with her class reunion. I took her the quick tour of the house and we caught up on the gossip till it was time to go.

And go we did... to DL's for her cookout chillout. Nice party with cool people and we had great eats and a fine time!

The house is coming along still. I spent a few hours this weekend working on taking off switchplates in the house and pulling furniture away from walls, readying the place for painting. I did some vacuuming too, cleaning dust off the walls. Urk.. I can't believe how dirty some parts of my house were.


  1. Glad you have some company. And a wild cookout party too, wow. It was nice meeting Becky via your webcam yesterday. Seh seems like a very nice person.
    Love you, J

  2. Typo, she seems like a very nice person

  3. Hey sis...glad to see you are getting a bit of socializing in. When are you going to head back up here? I would like to just have you guys here and maybe no one else :) Sometimes it is good to have everyone around, but I like to just sit and chat without all the busy stuff, too.

    We have been doing some stuff around the house - painting the guest bathroom, getting our dining room table and chairs redone a little at a time, a bit of yard work, etc.

    Hope to see you soon, just let me know when. You don't have to come alone, either ;) Love you. Sis.
