Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The House

We went over to Jack's house and... there are really no words to describe what we found there. It will take months of working everyday to get the house in a condition that it will be habitable. Dirty dishes had been left in the dishwasher. Open jars of food in the fridge. Food just everywhere, most of it wrapped but way outdated. Mouse turds and nests everywhere, and I'm talking IN THE HOUSE. You would not have believed the crap in the kitchen sink. The bathrooms? uh... not good. There's so much stuff that there are no furniture or floors visible anywhere... It's unreal.

But we are excited about getting things into shape and cleaned up! We sorted and took 11 bags to Goodwill today. We're going to work on just one room at a time till we have it done.


  1. Be careful. Don't catch anything from the mouse turds and the like.

    ray kb9lgs

  2. MAKE SURE YOU TAKE PICTURES. To avoid future legal problems.

  3. So how is the house cleaning going? Have you discussed just bulldozing it and starting over yet ;-)

    ray kb9lgs
