Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Reflections of palm trees in the lake at Agua Caliente Park.

Today I took a couple of big steps. One was to cut mats for our photos for the contest (tomorrow!) with Jack's mat cutting equipment. The process is pretty easy, and I was pleased with how good they looked. We put the photos in plastic bags and they all look very professional.

The other significant thing that I did was to install my Seagate backup hard drive. It's going to protect my files in case my HD takes a dive, and we all know that it's not a matter of *if*, but *when*. I still remember well the feeling that I had back in 2002 when I got that black screen with but a few words of white: "Hard drive not found." Yikes! The really sad part of that story is that I had NO backups at that time. I lost 2 years of digital photos, including baby photos of grandchildren and puppy photos of Maddy.

We went grocery shopping today, significant only because we went to 4 different stores, chasing bargains. At least the stores are all pretty close together! We're getting the food put together for the party we're having a week from today -- St. Patrick's Day!

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