Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dancing the Night Away

Today was a busy one. After Zumba and breakfast, Jack and I worked on his siding for his new shed, and got it all done! He still has to do some trim and some painting, but nothing that he can't get done in the next couple of days.

So it was time to celebrate. Far Horizons had a dance tonight and it was very fun. The band was Two's Company, and they are the best for dancing. While the snack table was packed with delicious looking snacks, and I brought a bowl of nuts, I was personally able to resist the temptation. It's really far easier to resist temptation to snack when you just decide ahead of time that you're not going to do it. If you don't even start eating, it's much easier to just not eat. I did drink plenty of water, though, and danced nearly every song.

Today's creativity is from some months ago, actually, but I'm sharing it here now. This is a lion cub shot through the glass of his enclosure. I like the way the leaves behind me and reflecting off the glass make it look a little surreal, kind of like the cub is in the jungle.

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