Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The plot thickens...

Well, not really, but didn't that sound exciting!? Yesterday afternoon Michael accompanied me to visit Dr. Chang. He poked and prodded, asked me many questions, listened to my answers, listened to all the assorted sounds within my body, asked more questions, and gave quizzical looks. The blood stuff that they have back is normal (whew, I like having normal blood!) but there are some tests they had to send out.

My pulse, sitting there in the doctor's office, was 48. That is very slow, even for me. But my EKG I had ydy didn't show anything abnormal. Athlete's heart?

He said that my little losses of balance that I get from time to time are not normal. He was curious about my "ceiling fan vision" that I get when I'm exercising and warm. (It is like looking through a fast-moving ceiling fan, it's in both eyes, and even when my eyes are closed.)

For now, Dr. Chang has me on Zocor, a statin drug. This is supposed to keep any other clots I may have glued down so they won't go anywhere and do damage! I'm for this. I'm to stay on the baby aspirin and off the hormone patch. I mean.. I was mostly off it anyway -- I'd been weaning myself for sometime -- but I never had gotten over the hot flashes. Oh well... I'm about to the age where "normal" women do menopause, so I may as well know what my peers are going through.

He told me to eat more protein. I think he was worried about my cereal diet. ;) I can get a bit more protein by sprinkling nuts on my cereal, he said. :)

He has a plan for more testing including a head MRI, a carotid ultrasound, and a stress echocardiogram. They're supposed to call from his office today when they have something scheduled for me.

I am taking this little clot discovery as a warning shot. And I feel blessed that I got it the way I did. If it had been over just a bit, in a blood vessel that serves my optic nerve, I'd have lost all my sight in that eye! And a little further over yet and my right side would have been paralyzed or unable to talk or something. I am very lucky.

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