Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Lazy day today! I began ambitiously walking with Maddy on the east side of Pantano, across the street from the Village. I have always liked walking around in neighborhoods, and this one is a good one to walk in. I like to look at how people landscape their lots in this desert climate.

Only a few people landscape with grass, which they fertilize and water constantly. Most use small reddish granite gravel, which they rake into place. They position large smooth river rock (probably harvested from the Wash) in circles, and, inside the circles, they plant a cactus, palo verde tree, or a palm tree. Variations on this are interesting.

After our walk, it was housecleaning day! I dusted, vacuumed, and took the trash to the clubhouse. I stopped in and talked to John while his Denver Broncos played, and then went back home.

Lew and Margaret came and spirited me off this afternoon for a latte. We went to Starbucks on Old Spanish Trail, and, since I don't do lattes, I got apple slices with caramel for dipping. Mmmm! Very tasty, and it was fun, as always, to banter with Lew and Margaret.

I made another origami box after my supper of soup, and then went through some email and my groups.

By the way, I have a MySpace page now. I am not sure what I'll use it for, but I think that it's a requirement if you're single, and I guess that's what I am now. (In their Marital Status choices, they don't even list "widowed." Sheesh.)

And here I am! I sort of miss TV and I may go on and bite the bullet and get cable installed. It bothers me that I forgot to uninstall the cable TV at home first, though. :/ Hmm... maybe I can do that over the phone? but then... last time, when Michael and I did it together, we had to take the box thing back to the cable co. Oh well. I'll do something, even if it's wrong! :D


  1. Hi Sister Mine,

    I, also, find desert landscaping infront of homes interesting. I like green, so I guess I'd be one of those with a grass lawn, but I think that the drought might change that plan.
    You know, Starbucks has other drinks besides coffee or tea. Some of them are quite good. You might ask the next time you go if they make any in their shop and try some.
    You might call the cable company and find out what needs to be done to cancel the service. Ask if someone else can bring in the box, and maybe Suzanne would be willing to do that.
    I don't know about that online service. I'd be afraid of who I might meet on line. You can never tell whether some kook is out there, and besides you have some good friends and good people keeping track of you on your site. Be very careful.
    Well, it is bed time. I try to stay up to see what you've written about your day, so I'll say goodnight and perhaps we'll talk tomorrow.
    Love you - Me

  2. Hi, Janee,

    I like to walk the neighborhood and check landscaping, too. Sometimes I'll pick up something that looks interesting, like a piece of paper. Never fails that it is not interesting, then I carry someone's grocery list for the rest of my walk. I won't throw it down and look like a litterbug.

    Be very careful about the internet. Some prisons have computers for their guests. Eek!

