Friday, December 21, 2007

James, Dancing, and Dating

The day was good today! It began with Computer Club, followed with my helping Marcel to get his computer to work on the clubhouse WiFi. We were successful, finally, due to some carefully placed radio buttons, reinstalling software, and then changing his IE homepage to one that wouldn't lock up.

John and I were leaving there when we saw Donna and Al and their son Mike and his girlfriend Stacy. Would we like to come to lunch? Why, yes! :) Cavatini was on the menu and it was delicious.

After that, John and I went to play Mah Jongg. It was fun, but I never got any good hands. Well... actually there was one hand that was pretty good, and I was just one tile from Mah Jongg, but... close doesn't count a whit in this game!

I did my walk in the Pantano River Park and then went a couple of laps around the neighborhood behind us. It was during this part of the walk that I met James. James is a 6 year-old boy who came out of a house, crying for his mommy. Through his tears, he managed to tell me that his mother had left to go and get his brother, but that they had been gone a long time and he couldn't wait for her to come back.

After further discussion, I decided to take him to a neighbor's house -- a neighbor he said he knew. Knowing that his mother would wonder where he was, I had James go into the house and get a paper and pencil, so I could write a note. He said he had a crayon, and I said that would be fine.

So we went together to the neighbor, who was happy to take the little fellow in. I hope that the mother was ok. My worry is that something happened to her (like a car wreck or an illness). I cannot imagine why else she would leave her little son alone like that. :/ Anyway... I hope that he's fine and happy tonight.

So I went dancing tonight! My friend Steve told me that he'd teach me to two-step, and he did! I did pretty well, though we didn't do any of the fancy stuff that the other people at the Cactus Moon were doing.

I told Steve that, while I had a good time, I felt funny about being out with him like that -- that it felt too much like dating and I'm not ready for that. It actually sort of felt like I was cheating on Michael.. on myself.. Anyway, Steve was cool about it and I feel good for having spoken my mind.


  1. Hey Janee, I have just tuned in - good stuff! I have been using your photoshop tutorials since I started (sadly only two days ago) but I felt I needed to start a blog about my improvement (being very impulsive) but at some point, please could you just look at my drawings to criticise them? as that would be just peachy! (

  2. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post (I don't know where else) thanks very much for the comment! (fish is awful, but I'm pleased with most of the others) and yes I do use a tablet (the shop accidentaly said it was £12.00 other than £120.00 and yes, I am english)

  3. Hey sis.

    I think you will know when the "dating" time is right. I can't imagine how strange that would feel, but again, I don't think there are any rules, it is what works for you.

    You never really have said what you are doing tomorrow for the holiday. We are going to have a house full tomorrow and at some time we will call to wish you Merry Christmas (a fair warning to not answer your phone if you don't want to).

    We are having a surprise birthday party for Angie at 7 tomorrow night (hopefully she does not read your blog or the surprise is wrecked). She is 30.

    I have a lot of house cleaning to do, so I better get to it.

    Love, kisses, and Christmas wishes from Indiana. Sis.

  4. Hey Janee! It's me pearly. I see that you are off highway 10. Well, I travel that way often on the way to Texas and Louisiana.

    Your blog is wonderful and I am so happy you are enjoying life in spite of your loss. What a wonderful person you are, so free, giving and adventurous.

    Every chance that comes up, I'm sending photoshop newbies to your toots. I believe there is no better place to begin the process of learning...

  5. Janee,

    Dan and I are thinking of you, knowing that with both Christmas and your wedding anniversary falling within the week, it may be a difficult time for you. We are glad that you have so many friends there and hope you will be with some of them tomorrow.

    Wishing you peace and joy,

