Tuesday, June 17, 2008

DL and me in the Garage

It turned out that I was not all alone today, after all! My friend DL came over and helped me out in the garage. We got about 1/3 of the way through it, getting to some really difficult piles of dirty stuff. I've learned that mice will nest in anything. and they will make their nests out of anything, too! We found one mouse nest that was lined with lots of fuzzy stuff, bits of paper, and... shed snake skin! I figure that the snake probably saw his skin in there and then ate the mice.

We found Michael's tax records from 1973. I found lots of Grandpa's rocks, wrapped carefully just as I'd left them.. 20 years ago. I need to find a good way to put this beautiful rock collection to use. And I found a padlock with the key locked into it. That made me laugh.

Ok.. hitting the rack now! Tomorrow's another day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey sis...I laughed out loud (at work) when I read about the snake! DL in the garage all afternoon...hum, well, at least you got some good work done.

    See ya, love, Sis.
