Thursday, May 27, 2010

For Becky

From someone whose middle name used to be "Creativity," it may not seem like such a big deal. But I felt inspired this evening, and did a little art. This is for Michael's beautiful sister Becky, who is dying after a long struggle with ovarian cancer, and now lymphoma, a result of the long periods with chemotherapy. Becky always did read my blog, and I am sure that she will continue, along with her brother. I love you, Becky! Today we drove down to Highland Ranch to visit with John and Marian, friends of Jack's from many years ago. They are really nice people, and we both enjoyed the visit. The drive was pleasant, as well, down 470. Pretty scenery and gorgeous weather.

But I am feeling sad tonight and wishing I were with Becky, Angie, and George..


  1. You are in my thoughts. I think of you and Michael often.

    Alan lost his only sister from an ovarian cancer at age 50, back in 1990 .. it was very sad.

    Next week would have been my Ricky 41st birthday.. hardly a day goes by that I don't cry.

    Your middle name is still creativity.


  2. Sis...So sorry to hear about Becky...she fought a strong and good fight, that is for sure. I hope she can soon rest in peace.

    I am glad you are feeling better and the deck is done. That means you might be here soon? I have been missing you a bunch lately. It must be time for you to be here! :D

    Take care and see you soon. If you get a chance to speak to Becky, wish her comfort from me, please.

    Love you, Sis.
