Saturday, March 14, 2009

Walking almost normally

Woo hoo!! No crutches today at all. This morning, after a breakfast of pecan-banana pancakes made expertly by Jack, we did some computer stuff and then went off to do some errands. I decided to just plain walk, going carefully and slowly, but without the crutches. I did fine, experiencing just a couple of owies along the way.

One of our stops was Walgreen's, where I found a nice ankle brace which is helping me a lot, I think.

We went to the mall, and walked through much of it, first going to Borders, where I got a cookbook for soups & stews and also a book of stereograms. I love stereograms and this book, called Eye Tricks, is full of beautiful ones!

We came back home with our loot, and then went to Pete & Karen's to finish up their back steps. We worked for 3 hours and have just a couple to go. All that's left to do is to attach the railing and to do the trim around the carpet on the steps!

It was too late to think about cooking, so we went to Mimi's where we had a delicious dinner. Jack had given blood a couple of weeks ago, and, for doing that, he had received a coupon for a free appetizer!

So.. a much better day for me today. :)

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